

德国曼尼黑 –2022年11月15日 – 作为电源管理和视频/音频接口解决方案的领导者,芯凯电子宣布发布KTA1140——符合IEEE 802.3bt标准的POE受电设备接口控制IC,和 KTB1095——集成数字隔离反馈的同步整流反激控制IC,拓展了芯凯电子PoE和DC-DC转换器产品线。

KTA1140全面符合IEEE 802.3bt、802.3at和802.3af标准,它还集成了输入浪涌保护、100V 的PD控制器、0.1Ω低导通电阻的热插拔MOSFET,可全面支持高达90W的输入功率等级。内部的PD控制器支持8种类型的电流分级,ATDET、PD检测、过温保护和欠压锁定功能(UVLO)。此外,KTA1140还支持(从PSE电源供电)无缝到切换到低至 9.5V的本地电源供电。


芯凯电子市场总监Erik Ogren表示:“芯凯电子旨在让我们的客户能够轻松设计电源”。“KTA1140具有超低导通电阻的热插拔MOSFET,可以支持最高类型8,最大90W的功率设计,它还具有无缝切换到低至 9.5V的本地电源供电性能,这些性能助力系统设计简化。KTB1095产品采用了芯凯电子的Tru-Iso™ 技术,提供集成3000V rmson-chip数字隔离器反馈,可减少BOM中的元器件数量和PCB面积。”

KTA1140 and KTB1095 样品现可申请,预计将于2023年一季度实现量产。



KTA1140 – PoE 802.3bt PD 接口控制IC

  • 全面符合 IEEE® 802.3bt标准
    • 输入功率最高至 90W
    • 支持0-8级分类的POE 受电设备
  • 符合IEEE®802.3af/at
  • 符合IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/5/6标准的 EMC要求
  • 支持无缝切换到低至9.5V的本地电源
  • 可编程的电流限制保护
  • 低电阻(典型值0.1Ω) 热插拔MOSFET
  • 5×5 mm, 20 lead QFN 封装

KTB1095 – 带数字隔离的100V同步反激控制IC

  • 5V至100V宽工作电压范围
  • 集成数字隔离反馈
    • 集成3000V rms耐压的原副边隔离
  • ±1%精度参考电压
  • 集成原边和副边MOSFET驱动器
    • 3A接收器/2A源驱动能力
  • 100kHz至700kHz的可调开关频率
  • 集成逐周期限流保护、输入欠压、输出过流、输出短路、过温保护
  • SOIC-16宽体(10.3mm x 7.5mm)封装


芯凯电子设计、开发和销售专有高性能模拟和混合信号半导体,服务于消费、计算机、通信、工业、汽车和企业市场。除了设计用于保护、调节和监测功耗的电源产品外,芯凯电子还生产用于切换、转换和保护高分辨率音频、视频和数据信号的产品。其产品应用范围包括智能手机、笔记本/ Chromebook和配件,以及用于广泛的工业、汽车和企业解决方案。芯凯电子在硅谷和亚洲设有研发中心,并在亚洲和欧洲设有运营和物流基地。

如需了解更多信息,请访问: https://www.kinet-ic.cn/..

芯凯电子宣布推出业界首款USB Type-C兼容PD3.1 EPR扩展功率范围的完整端口保护解决方案,可提供140W的功率

可以和兼容Thunderbolt ™的CC/SBU超低电阻保护负载开关搭配使用,工作电压达28V VBUS,同时具备浪涌、ESD和过压保护功能

德国慕尼黑 – 2022年11月15日 – 作为电源管理和视频/音频接口解决方案的领导者,芯凯电子宣布发布两款全新里程碑式产品,可将USB Type-C端口的功率传输能力提高到140W,为通过USB大功率充电的电子产品扫清障碍。KTS1898适用于VBUS电源的开关和保护,KTU1128适用于开关和保护CC1/2和SBU1/2线路。

KTS1898是一款低电阻5A负载开关,具有软启动、过压保护、“理想二极管”反向电流、短路、过流、过温和ESD保护,并以集成了±100V的浪涌保护功能,可隔离和保护下游组件免受异常VBUS电压和电流故障的影响。快速反向电流保护(理想二极管)允许多个电源路径连接到VBUS OUT而不受干扰。

与之配套KTU1128 是兼容雷电(Thunderbolt)的USB Type-C数据线保护和开关IC,为CC和SBU线路提供低电阻、超快速过压保护和浪涌保护。KTU1128保持与现有产品的引脚pin-to-pin兼容性,将CC和SBU线路的耐压提高到32V,以实现信号线对VBUS短路保护,并降低故障时的静态电流。

“作为业界领先的产品,KTS1898和KTU1128使得研发工程师在有效地解决安全问题的同时可以实现高达140W的USB Type-C PD3.1扩展功率范围(EPR)”芯凯电子市场总监Erik Ogren表示。“KTS1898能够在VBUS上承受高达+35V的极限电压,为我们的客户提供了安全可靠的28V系统所需电压,同时其集成的超低25mΩ MOSFET电阻可将热量保持在最低限度,这对保证产品长期保持高功率工作起到至关重要的作用。KTU1128具备的强大的保护功能,使得芯凯电子在该应用领域中占有行业领先地位。”



KTS1898 – 28V VBUS 保护负载开关

  • 工作电压3V to 32V
    • IN和 OUT 35V
  • 5A 持续额定电流
    • 10A 峰值电流
  • 支持140W USB PD 3.1 (EPR)
  • 反向电流保护,15µs快速恢复的“理想二极管“
  • 对过压, 短路, 过流, 过温和反向电流提供全面保护
  • 高达±100V IEC61000-4-5 浪涌保护
  • ±15kV空气, ±8kV接触 IEC61000-4-2 静电保护

KTU1128 – 28V CC/SBU 保护负载开关

  • 工作电压2.5V to 5.5V
    • CC1/2, SBU1/2引脚极限耐压高达32V
  • 兼容雷电(ThunderboltTM)
  • 快速 70ns过压响应时间
  • IEC61000-4-5浪涌保护CC :±40V, SBU:±30V
  • ±15kV空气, ±8kV接触 IEC61000-4-2 静电保护


芯凯电子设计、开发和销售专有高性能模拟和混合信号半导体,服务于消费、计算机、通信、工业、汽车和企业市场。除了设计用于保护、调节和监测功耗的电源产品外,芯凯电子还生产用于切换、转换和保护高分辨率音频、视频和数据信号的产品。其产品应用范围包括智能手机、笔记本/ Chromebook和配件,以及用于广泛的工业、汽车和企业解决方案。芯凯电子在硅谷和亚洲设有研发中心,并在亚洲和欧洲设有运营和物流基地。

如需了解更多信息,请访问: https://www.kinet-ic.cn/.



2022年10月25日—— 作为电源管理、音频/视频端口集成电路的行业领导者,芯凯电子宣布将携可广泛应用于消费、通信、工业、汽车和企业市场的业界领先的电源管理、电机控制和智能连接等系列解决方案,亮相2022年慕尼黑国际电子元器件博览会。



USB-C/DP(MST)参考设计 – 覆盖芯凯电子全系列高性能模拟电源和支持DSC1.2的USB Type-C/DisplayPort1.4 MST Hub、Retimer、DC-DC、USB电源和数据转换/保护及PD控制器的高速音频/视频处理芯片。

BLDC电机控制 – 芯凯电子全新PureSineTM电机控制系列产品,带有集成门驱,可提供最佳电气效率,相同输出功率条件下,可提升1.7倍的RPM和15%的扭矩。

PoE解决方案 –从业界尺寸最小的13W PoE解决方案到符合IEEE802.3bt标准的全新高功率产品将齐齐亮相。

通过Qi/WPC认证的5W无线电源接收器参考设计 – 符合WPC/Qi v1.3标准,可显著缩短客户产品上市时间。

RGB LED色轮 – 特有的可编程、多通道和多路复用RGB LED驱动芯片,比市场同类解决方案尺寸缩小3倍。



时间: 2022年11月15日-18日.
地点: 德国慕尼黑展览中心C2展厅,160号展位


芯凯电子设计、开发和销售专有高性能模拟和混合信号半导体,服务于消费、计算机、通信、工业、汽车和企业市场。除了设计用于保护、调节和监测功耗的电源产品外,芯凯电子还生产用于切换、转换和保护高分辨率音频、视频和数据信号的产品。其产品应用范围包括智能手机、笔记本/ Chromebook和配件,以及用于广泛的工业、汽车和企业解决方案。芯凯电子在硅谷和亚洲设有研发中心,并在亚洲和欧洲设有运营和物流基地。

如需了解更多信息,请访问: http://www.kinet-ic.cn/.

Kinetic Technologies宣布根据与Gain Semiconductor签署的资产收购协议完成资产收购


加州圣何塞— (美国商业资讯)–Kinetic Technologies是一家致力于为消费、通信、工业、汽车和企业市场开发电源管理和保护解决方案的高性能模拟和混合信号半导体公司。公司今天宣布已根据与Gain Semiconductor Incorporated签署的资产购买协议完成了对其某些资产的收购。此次收购于202256日完成。资产交易条款包括转让由专利、版权和行业知识以及经验丰富的电机控制行业专家构成的知识产权。

通过收购Gain的纯正弦波驱动专利技术Puresine™Kinetic Technologies能够为市场带来卓越的电机和运动控制。该技术通过最大限度地提高电气效率,将标准3线电机控制和6线高级电机控制技术转换为新型电机控制解决方案。更高的效率降低了电机运行功率,提供了一种设计更小、更轻电机的可行方法。

Kinetic Technologies电机控制总经理、Gain Semiconductor前首席执行官Jeff Gray表示:提高电机控制的电气效率描绘了一幅新蓝图,让我们能够协助打造更环保的未来。凭借Kinetic Technologies成熟的制造能力和卓越技术,我们相信我们的电机控制技术已准备好进入生产和先进产品开发的新阶段。

Kinetic Technologies首席执行官Kin Shum表示:电子控制电机市场上的空白使Kinetic Technologies能够将消费类白色家电、汽车和工业领域纳入其可服务的潜在市场。电机控制器产品的推出将丰富我们产品的多样性,并通过商业协同产品扩大我们的产品组合。我们相信这项交易将使我们能够进入新市场,与新客户合作,并通过销售更多高性能产品来扩大与现有客户的业务。

关于Kinetic Technologies

Kinetic Technologies设计、开发和销售专有高性能模拟和混合信号半导体,服务于消费、计算机、通信、工业、汽车和企业市场。除了设计用于保护、调节和监测功耗的电源产品外,Kinetic还生产用于切换、转换和保护高分辨率音频、视频和数据信号的产品。其产品应用范围包括智能手机、笔记本/ Chromebook和配件,以及用于广泛的工业、汽车和企业解决方案。Kinetic Technologies在硅谷和亚洲设有研发中心,并在亚洲和欧洲设有运营和物流基地。如需了解更多信息,请访问:http://kinet-ic.cn/

*Kinetic Technologies标识是Kinetic Technologies的商标。本文中出现的所有其他品牌和产品名称是其各自持有人的财产。


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Kinetic Technologies发布业界首款通过Qi v1.3认证的无线电源接收解决方案

KTE7000:通过WPC Qi v1.3认证的5W无线电源接收解决方案

北京时间 2022年3月24日,全球高性能模拟和混合信号电源及保护类半导体制造商Kinetic Technologies宣布其5W无线电源接收解决方案——KTE7000,通过WPC(无线电源联盟)认证,成为业界首款符合Qi v1.3标准的无线电源接收解决方案。借此,Kinetic Technologies进一步证明了其在无线电源市场的领先地位。

Qi v1.3版本增加了便于WPC成员公司开发在更高功率下安全使用产品的性能与更新。提供对异物检测的改进,并启用了包括设备认证等在内的新功能。此外,实施了更全面的Qi合规性测试,提高了合规性测试的自动化程度,从而缩短了测试时间,使开发可互操作且更安全的产品变得更加容易。有关最新版本Qi规范的更多详细信息,请访问WPC网站

Kinetic Technologies市场副总裁Gianfranco Scherini表示,“我们不懈致力于开发引领无线电源生态系统的新产品,新一代业界首款符合Qi V1.3标准的解决方案的推出,是Kinetic Technologies在无线电源解决方案中的又一个里程碑。”

KTE7000是一款符合WPC/Qi v1.3发射端 BPP标准的单芯片5W无线电源接收器解决方案。KTE7000与所有WPC/Qi认证的发射器完全兼容,在BPP发射器或EPP发射器进行互操作时,KTE7000将在BPP模式下运行。KTE7000集成了具有强大浪涌保护功能的同步整流器和一个可达1.5A的将无线AC电源转换为5V DC电源的LDO。在特定模式下,更可实现更高的功率输出。带有ROM和可编程存储器的嵌入式微控制器可提供电源管理、保护以及实现与电源发射器的通信。KTE7000符合环保要求,采用52bump 2.66mm x 3.90mm WLCSP封装。

欲了解更多产品信息,请访问公司网站Kinetic Technologies

关于 Kinetic Technologies

Kinetic Technologies致力于设计、开发和销售高性能模拟和混合信号电源和保护芯片及解决方案,以满足消费、通信、工业、汽车和企业等市场的需求。公司的产品可广泛应用于每一个端口后端, 不仅可以保护、调节和控制模拟数字半导体及其他电子负载的电源,同时可以转换和保护高清视频、音频和数据信号。Kinetic Technologies研发个性化产品,可更好满足智能手机、平板电脑和可穿戴设备的音频/视频接口转换、保护和电源管理,同时为工业、汽车和企业提供卓越的解决方案。公司在美国硅谷和亚洲多地设有研发中心,并在亚洲设有运营和物流中心。

欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://kinet-ic.cn/.

Kinetic Technologies Announces New 13W Powered Device and DC-DC Controller which Integrates a 150V Output MOSFET for Space-saving Power over Ethernet (PoE) Solutions

KTA1136: IEEE 802.3af compliant PoE PD with Integrated DC-DC Controller and Power FET

San Jose, Calif. – August 17, 2021 – Power management and video/audio interface leader, Kinetic Technologies, is expanding its PoE power solutions portfolio with the introduction of KTA1136, a single-chip, highly integrated solution for 13W Power over Ethernet (PoE) Powered Devices (PD) significantly improving performance, while reducing both solution cost and size. Fully compliant with the IEEE® 803.2af specification, KTA1136 integrates input surge protection, a PD controller with 100V, 0.49Ω hot-swap MOSFET and a DC-DC controller with a robust 150V, 0.7Ω switching power MOSFET.

Senior Director of ESIA Marketing at Kinetic, Phil Dewsbury, says, “The integration of the 150V rated output MOSFET coupled with 600kHz switching frequency results in more than a 25% reduction in solution size, providing our customers with the smallest 13W PoE solution on the market today, making it ideal for space critical applications. Special care has been taken to minimize EMI and to optimize the light load efficiency without the switching frequency straying into the audio band”.

KTA1136 is fully compliant with IEEE 803.2af, but also supports IEEE, 803.2at and IEEE 802.3bt specifications for Type 1 power applications.

KTA1136 also includes PD Detection, classification and protection including under-voltage lockout (UVLO) and over-temperature protection (OVP).

Key applications for the new KTA1136 include Voice over IP (VoIP) Phones, Wireless LAN Access Point, Security Cameras, Biometric Authentication, Point-of-Sales Terminals, RFID Readers, Thin Clients and IoT Appliances.

KTA1136 is available and shipping now. Visit Kinetic Technologies for more information.

Product features include:

  • Compliant to IEEE® Std. 802.3af-2003 and supports Type 1 operation for IEEE® 802.3at-2009 and IEEE® 802.3bt-2018
  • DC-DC Controller with two robust, integrated high voltage Power MOSFETs
    • 150V, 0.7Ω Flyback MOSFET
    • 100V, 0.49Ω Low RDS_ON Hot-Swap MOSFET
  • Supports both isolated and non-isolated applications
  • Adjustable switching frequency from 100kHz to 800kHz
  • Programmable cycle-by-cycle DC-DC current limiting
  • Input ESD surge protection to IEC61000-4-2 (Level 4)
    • Contact: ±8kV
    • Air: ±15kV
    • Other pins HBM: ±2kV
  • Exceptional EMI performance
  • Integrated Short-Circuit and Over-temperature Protection
  • RoHS and Pb-free: TQFN-16, 4x4mm Package

About Kinetic Technologies
Kinetic Technologies designs, develops and markets proprietary high-performance analog and mixed-signal power and protection semiconductors across consumer, communications, industrial, automotive and enterprise markets, to deliver protected solutions tolerant of real-world fault conditions. The company’s product sit “Behind Every Port™”, deliver solutions to not only provide, protect, regulate, and monitor power consumed by analog and digital semiconductors and other electronic loads, but to also switch, transform and protect high resolution video, audio and data signals. Kinetic Technologies develops application-specific products that solve audio-video interface, protection, and power management needs across smartphones, tablets and wearables, as well as serving a wide range of industrial, automotive and enterprise solutions. Kinetic Technologies, a Cayman Corporation, has R&D centers in Silicon Valley and Asia, with operations and logistics based in Asia. For more information, please visit http://www.kinet-ic.cn/.

*The Kinetic Technologies logo is a trademark of Kinetic Technologies. All other brand and product names appearing in this document are the property of their respective holders.

Kinetic Technologies Announces Highly Optimized, Ultra-Low Power MST Hub with DSC Support, Elevating Productivity and Work-from-Home User Experience

New Video IC features High-Performance USB Type-C® / DisplayPort™ 1.4a Alt-Mode to Triple DP 1.4a / HDMI™ 2.0b (DP++) transmitters with USB Retimer, TCPM for Power Delivery & DSC 1.2 support

San Jose, Calif. – May 27, 2021 – Power management and video/audio interface leader Kinetic Technologies is expanding its Smart Connectivity portfolio with the introduction of the KTM5000 product family: a single-chip, highly integrated, low-power and high-performance USB Type-C / DP 1.4a Alt-Mode MST HUB with three configurable DP 1.4a or HDMI 2.0b (DP++) outputs.

KTM5000 functions as a multi-stream audio-video splitter and protocol converter including HDCP 1.x/ HDCP 2.3 repeater, targeted primarily for Mobile PC docking stations, Displays, and Digital Signage applications, capable of supporting 25 or more daisy chained monitors.

The KTM5000 family enters the market of DSC 1.2 (Display Stream Compression) enabling three 4K2K 60Hz outputs. The device was designed with optimal interoperability and backward compatibility with DSC 1.1. These features have been validated with all major Graphics Processing Platforms including NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX 2080, AMD Radeon™ RX 5700 XT and Intel’s 11th generation Tiger Lake™ processors.

Its ultra-low power consumption of under 1W at the maximum video resolution supported (8K in DP out mode) or 3 x 4K2K 60Hz outputs (with DSC) makes it an ideal fit for the emerging travel dock, mini dock and docking station markets.

KTM5000 is part of a Thunderbolt™ 4 Multi-Port docking station reference design which passed Intel’s TCM (Thunderbolt™ Certification Manager) requirements. In addition, its MST interoperability with USB Type-C hosts enables fast and seamless adoption of systems that connect to the latest AMD, NVIDIA, Intel, and Qualcomm CPU powered notebooks, tablets, and smartphones.

It can also function as a Type-C Port Manager (TCPM) and combines with Kinetic’s MCDP9000 or any external TCPC device to deliver up to 65W power, enabling fast charging of notebooks, tablets, and smartphones.

Yehia Beydoun, product marketing manager of the Smart Connectivity division at Kinetic Technologies says, “Kinetic continues its leadership in the market with KTM5000, which integrates USB Type-C / DisplayPort 1.4 MST Hub with DSC 1.2 support, enabling three 4K2K 60Hz monitors from a single host. A KTM5000 reference design is available to speed up customer product development time, and incorporates Kinetic Technologies’ complementary high-performance analog power and high-speed audio-video processing products.”

KTM5000 is available and shipping now. Visit our Products website at Kinetic Technologies for more information.

Product features include:

  • USB Type-C “Alt mode” compatible receiver / DP MST hub
  • USB 3.1 ESS GEN1/GEN2 Re- timer: 5.0 Gbps / 10.0 Gbps pairs
  • DP 1.4 RX PHY 1.62/2.7/5.4/8.1 Gbps/lane
  • Triple DP++ TX PHY 1.62/2.7/5.4/8.1 Gbps/lane * 4 lanes each
  • Video resolution up to 8K 30Hz (uncompressed); 8K 60Hz (compressed)
  • HDR Image processing (Static and Dynamic HDR)
  • DP MST routing / DP MST-to-SST conversion / DP-to-HDMI conversion
  • Display Stream Compression (DSC 1.2) and Forward Error Correction (FEC)
  • Pixel format conversion and Chroma down sampling
  • HDCP 1.x/2.x repeater with embedded keys
  • CEC Tunneling over AUX
  • SPDIF / I2S 8Ch audio outputs
  • 249 LFBGA package / 12x12mm


About Kinetic Technologies

Kinetic Technologies designs, develops and markets proprietary high-performance analog and mixed-signal power and protection semiconductors across consumer, communications, industrial, automotive and enterprise markets, to deliver protected solutions tolerant of real-world fault conditions. The company’s product sit “Behind Every Port™”, deliver solutions to not only provide, protect, regulate, and monitor power consumed by analog and digital semiconductors and other electronic loads, but to also switch, transform and protect high resolution video, audio and data signals. Kinetic Technologies develops application-specific products that solve audio-video interface, protection, and power management needs across smartphones, tablets and wearables, as well as serving a wide range of industrial, automotive and enterprise solutions. Kinetic Technologies, a Cayman Corporation, has R&D centers in Silicon Valley and Asia, with operations and logistics based in Asia. For more information, please visit http://www.kinet-ic.cn/.

*The Kinetic Technologies logo is a trademark of Kinetic Technologies. All other brand and product names appearing in this document are the property of their respective holders.

Kinetic Technologies Announces Lowest Resistance USB Current-Sink Protection Switch Enabling Power Delivery up to 140W

KTS1696A: Low 11mΩ Resistance Load Switch with Overvoltage and Reverse Blocking, Protects Against ±90V Input Surges

San Jose, Calif. – January 11, 2021 – Power management and video/audio interface leader, Kinetic Technologies, has announced the highest power addition to its comprehensive range of power protection solutions with the KTS1696A. This robust protection device has been designed to isolate and protect against abnormal voltage and current conditions through a slew-rate controlled, reverse-blocking, 11mΩ, low-resistance MOSFET switch in a tiny 2.7×2.7mm 25-bump WLCSP package.

“In addition to its ability to protect USB inputs from abnormal power supply voltage and surge currents, the KTS1696A features an incredibly low 11mΩ resistance switch with reverse-blocking capability up to 29V.” says Jia Hu, Kinetic Technologies Senior Director of ESIA Product Marketing. “Increasing USB Power Delivery above 100W is a future trend, pushing the USB limits, with Kinetic leading the way. This low resistance switch allows product designers to do that without worrying about excessive power loss through heat dissipation.”

In addition to the low-resistance MOSFET switch, the KTS1696A features slew-rate turn-on control, preventing excessive voltage overshoot and large inrush currents. The device also features several additional protection functions – including input ±90V surge protection, input over – and under – voltage protection, over-temperature protection, short-circuit protection and current-liming protection. The over-voltage protection is internally set at typically 23V but can also be used in adjustable mode using two external resistors to set the trip point between 4V and 23V. The short-circuit and current-limiting protection is designed to turn-off the switch during hard or soft short circuits at the output. At detection, the switch is turned OFF and if no other fault is detected, the device will auto-retry to start until such time as the fault is removed or the input power removed. During any fault condition the ACOK, power good flag will be de-asserted.

Featuring an active high enable, the KTS1696A operates over a wide-input voltage range of 3V to 29V and covers USB PD applications, enabling the device to offer essential protection to enhancing system reliability.

The KTS1696A is available in a green compliant, 2.7mm x 2.7mm, Wafer-Level, Chip-Scale Package (WLCSP).

Key applications for the Kinetic Technologies KTS1696A include mini-desktop PCs, notebooks, tablets, docking stations, monitors, portable devices and USB Type-C/PD current sink ports.

KTS1696A is available and shipping now. Visit Kinetic Technologies for more information.

Product features include:

  • 3V to 23V Operating Voltage Range
  • 29V Abs. Max. Rating at IN and OUT
  • 7A Continuous Current Rating
    • 15A Pulse Current Rating (duration Pd limited)
  • 11mΩ typ. On-Resistance from IN to OUT
  • Soft-Start (SS) Limits Inrush Current
  • Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) at IN
    • 23V Internally Fixed
    • 4V to 23V External Resistor Programmable
  • “Ideal Diode” Reverse Current Protection (RCP)
  • Short-Circuit Protection (SCP) at OUT
  • Over-Current Protection (OCP) at OUT
  • Over-Temperature Protection (OTP)
  • Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) at IN
    • ±90V Surge Protection (IEC61000-4-5)
    • ±8kV ESD Contact Discharge (IEC61000-4-2)
    • ±15kV ESD Air Gap Discharge (IEC61000-4-2)
  • EN Active-High Enable Logic Input
  • Auto-Retry after All Faults
  • ACOK Open-Drain Output Flag
  • Pb Free 25-bump WLCSP 2.70 x 2.70mm (0.5mm pitch)
  • RoHS and Green Compliant
  • -40°C to 85°C Operating Temperature Range


About Kinetic Technologies

Kinetic Technologies designs, develops and markets proprietary high-performance analog and mixed-signal power and protection semiconductors across consumer, communications, industrial, automotive and enterprise markets, to deliver protected solutions tolerant of real-world fault conditions. The company’s product sit “Behind Every Port™”, deliver solutions to not only provide, protect, regulate, and monitor power consumed by analog and digital semiconductors and other electronic loads, but to also switch, transform and protect high resolution video, audio and data signals. Kinetic Technologies develops application-specific products that solve audio-video interface, protection, and power management needs across smartphones, tablets and wearables, as well as serving a wide range of industrial, automotive and enterprise solutions. Kinetic Technologies, a Cayman Corporation, has R&D centers in Silicon Valley and Asia, with operations and logistics based in Asia. For more information, please visit http://www.kinet-ic.cn/.

*The Kinetic Technologies logo is a trademark of Kinetic Technologies. All other brand and product names appearing in this document are the property of their respective holders.

Kinetic Technologies Announces World’s first 100V Power Converter IC with Integrated 5kV Isolation

KTB1100: 7V-100V, 15W Flyback Converter with Integrated Feedback and Digital Isolator

San Jose, Calif. – January 11, 2021 – Power management and video/audio interface leader, Kinetic Technologies, is expanding its power conversion product portfolio with the world’s first highly integrated, high voltage flyback converters utilizing secondary digital isolation feedback. The KTB1100 operates directly from a wide 7V to 100V input supply and integrates all the major components, bar the transformer and rectifier diode, to create a highly efficient 15W isolated flyback converter with typically 1% output accuracy.

“The KTB1100 allows design engineers to simplify and reduce the size of their design, by integrating many of the external components normally required in isolated flyback designs”, says, Jia Hu, Senior Director of ESIA Product Marketing at Kinetic. “Adding digital isolated feedback, allows designers to achieve high output voltage accuracy and regulation, without an external opto-coupler, compared to equivalent PSR designs.”

The KTB1100 also reduces the BOM and solution size by integrating a robust, internally protected 150V, low 350mΩ resistance output switching MOSFET and achieves close to 88% peak efficiency. Current-mode, constant on-time control, with an adjustable switching frequency of 100kHz to 1MHz, is used for fast transient response as well as superior output voltage regulation. The device features an active-high enable pin that can be connected directly to the input supply (up to 100V) with a soft-start function to limit the in-rush current at start-up.

With 5kVRMS isolation (UL1577 compliance pending), the KTB1100 also features several protection functions including undervoltage lockout, overvoltage lockout, cycle-by-cycle current limiting, short circuit protection and thermal shutdown protection.

The KTB1100 is supplied in a lead-free, RoHS, green wide-bodied SOIC-16pin package and is rated over the -40 to +85OC ambient temperature range.

Key applications for the new KTB1100 include battery management system (BMS) in electrical vehicles, telecom and communications power systems, industrial PLCs, smart meters, PoE, bias supply for isolated DC-DC converters and low-power isolated power modules.

KTB1100 pre-production samples are available now. Visit Kinetic Technologies for more information.

Product features include:

  • Wide VIN Range: 7V to 100V
  • Integrated 150V, 350mΩ (typ.) on-resistance MOSFET Switch
  • Integrated Feedback with Digital Isolator
    • 5000VRMS Isolation
    • UL1577 Certification (Pending)
  • Internal Startup Regulator
  • Adjustable Soft-Start
  • ±1% Feedback Voltage Reference
  • Adjustable Switching Frequency from 100kHz to 1MHz
  • Precision Enable for Adjustable UVLO
  • Optional Primary Side Bias for Optimized Efficiency
    • Up to 88%
  • Comprehensive Integrated Protection
    • Input UVLO
    • Input Overvoltage Protection
    • Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit
    • Over Current Protection
    • Short-Circuit Protection
    • Thermal Shutdown Protection
  • Pb-free SOIC-16 Wide Body (10.3mm x 7.5mm)
  • RoHS and Green Compliant
  • -40°C to +85°C Operating Temperature Range


About Kinetic Technologies

Kinetic Technologies designs, develops and markets proprietary high-performance analog and mixed-signal power and protection semiconductors across consumer, communications, industrial, automotive and enterprise markets, to deliver protected solutions tolerant of real-world fault conditions. The company’s product sit “Behind Every Port™”, deliver solutions to not only provide, protect, regulate, and monitor power consumed by analog and digital semiconductors and other electronic loads, but to also switch, transform and protect high resolution video, audio and data signals. Kinetic Technologies develops application-specific products that solve audio-video interface, protection, and power management needs across smartphones, tablets and wearables, as well as serving a wide range of industrial, automotive and enterprise solutions. Kinetic Technologies, a Cayman Corporation, has R&D centers in Silicon Valley and Asia, with operations and logistics based in Asia. For more information, please visit http://www.kinet-ic.cn/.

*The Kinetic Technologies logo is a trademark of Kinetic Technologies. All other brand and product names appearing in this document are the property of their respective holders.

Advanced Video Protocol Converter Elevates Productivity and Gaming Experiences to New Heights

Kinetic Technologies Announces Low Power, High-Performance USB Type-C® / DisplayPort™ 1.4a Alt-Mode to HDMI™ 2.0b Protocol Converter with USB Retimer, TCPM for Power Delivery & Adaptive Sync Support

San Jose, Calif. – January 11, 2021 – Power management and video/audio interface leader, Kinetic Technologies, is expanding its Smart Connectivity solutions portfolio with the introduction of MCDP5200, a single-chip, highly integrated USB Type-C / DP 1.4a Alt-Mode protocol converter with a USB Type-C de-multiplexer and embedded retimer for USB 3 support.

It is the industry’s first known protocol converter to support Adaptive Sync with variable refresh rate, enabling seamless connection between DP sources and gaming monitors. MCDP5200 supports all video (DP 1.4) and data (USB 3.1 Gen 2) modes of USB-C Alt-Mode that are integrated into the latest AMD, nVidia, Intel, and Qualcomm CPU powered notebooks, tablets, and smartphones.

MCDP5200 can also function as a Type-C Port Manager (TCPM) and along with an external TCPC device -such as Kinetic’s MCDP9000- can deliver power up to 65W, enabling fast charging of notebooks, tablets, and smartphones.

Its low power consumption (<1W) at the maximum video resolutions supported of 5K (in DP out mode) or 4K (in HDMI out mode) makes it an ideal fit for emerging travel docks and dongles.

Elie Antoun, general manager of the Smart Connectivity division at Kinetic Technologies says, “MCDP5200 is the first release of a rich roadmap of advanced USB-C / DP 1.4 Alt-Mode interface products for multimedia processing since the company’s acquisition of Smart Connectivity earlier this year. The MCDP5200 reference design, with an optimized BOM cost, incorporates Kinetic Technologies’ expertise in proprietary, high-performance analog power IC’s and high-speed audio-video processing”

MCDP5200 is available and shipping now. Visit Kinetic Technologies for more information.

Product features include:

  • USB Type-C “Alt mode” receiver
  • USB 3.1 ESS Gen 1/Gen 2 Re-timer: 5.0 Gbps / 10.0 Gbps pairs
  • DP 1.4a RX with SST/MST support – Link rate 1.62/2.7/5.4/8.1/ Gbps/lane
  • DP++ TX configurable as AC coupled DP 1.4a or DC coupled HDMI 2.0b
  • HDMI 2.0b PHY compliant transmitter with HDMI 2.1 features (VRR, QMS, FVA, QFT)
  • Video resolution: Up to 5K3K 60Hz (DP to DP); 4K2K 60Hz (DP to HDMI)
  • Audio stream handling – LPCM 192KHz 32Ch, HBR 8CH, One Bit, DSD formats
  • DP 1.4a MST / SST re-timer pass through: Link rate, lane count change
  • HDR Image processing (Static and Dynamic HDR)
  • Adaptive sync support (in DP to DP and DP to HDMI mode)
  • CEC Tunneling over AUX
  • HDCP 1.x/2.x repeater with embedded keys
  • ARM Cortex M3 core 300MHz / peripheral controllers
  • Package: 169 TFBGA, 7x7mm / 0.5mm pitch


About Kinetic Technologies

Kinetic Technologies designs, develops and markets proprietary high-performance analog and mixed-signal power and protection semiconductors across consumer, communications, industrial, automotive and enterprise markets, to deliver protected solutions tolerant of real-world fault conditions. The company’s product sit “Behind Every Port™”, deliver solutions to not only provide, protect, regulate, and monitor power consumed by analog and digital semiconductors and other electronic loads, but to also switch, transform and protect high resolution video, audio and data signals. Kinetic Technologies develops application-specific products that solve audio-video interface, protection, and power management needs across smartphones, tablets and wearables, as well as serving a wide range of industrial, automotive and enterprise solutions. Kinetic Technologies, a Cayman Corporation, has R&D centers in Silicon Valley and Asia, with operations and logistics based in Asia. For more information, please visit http://www.kinet-ic.cn/.

*The Kinetic Technologies logo is a trademark of Kinetic Technologies. All other brand and product names appearing in this document are the property of their respective holders.